May 28, 2010

Lervin is having fever.

Yesterday noon, my mum called and said Lervin is havin fever. Told my mum to give him medication and observe. After I knock off, I when to Lervin's cc to pay the fees and to bring home mattress cover to wash. Rushed home to wait for the delivery guy to deliver to diapers hus bought. 6 cartons he bought and we have 3 more cartons at home. -.- Sometimes I think he is more aunty then me. Always bargain price whenever he can. When there is sales on the things we are using, he will buy and keep. Get what I mean now? haha!!
Waited until 8.30 then the guy came.....

Get prepared and went to mum's place...
Hus got himself food and saw that there is pasar malam, the first stall I went is for the kids. From clothes to stationery to stickers, I walk around trying to get Lervin something.... In the end, this is what I bought.

Cotton Briefs. 3pcs for $6.

Card holder. Hus says wana get for him. So in the future he can keep his ez-link card. =)

Stickers ! 4 for $1. cheap cheap.

At least he can still play abit..

The moment I reach mum's place, Lervin is lying on bed watching tv. His eyes looks swollen and tired and he told me his tummy is painful. Take his temperature and it is 37.8 so quickly I brought him to the clinic behind my mum's block. He played awhile there and still looks listless. After waiting to 15-20mins, finally it's our turn. Doctor examine him and he is able to answer the doctor. When he ask Lervin which part is painful he will point to that area which is at the naval. Dr said he might have caught the virus by not washing hands before eating or either putting dirty things to his mouth. Like what I mentioned on my 18 May's post. Always put dirty toys in his mouth to bite. I want to have a place to call home !!
He vomited when we get out from car... Trembling after the vomit.. Poor boy.. but still he is brave to tell me he is ok. =) Still observing him... Hope he gets well soon...

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