August 04, 2010

Happy 15 months old Leroy !

Leroy is 15 months old today.!

Leroy seldom stays at my place. Sometimes even weekends I never bring him back. It's either I have things to do or even either one is sick. Just like 2 weeks before, Leroy had HFMD so he is not back to stay. He is really a bad-tempered boy. My mum spoilt him too. Gives in to him whenever he whine or cry. So now he will cry over little things. He knows who he can bully and who he can't. At my place, I say no means no. No matter how he cry, I will ignore him until he walk/crawl to me and lie on my chest. But when he is back to mum's place, his pattern starts again... Sigh~

- Drinking around 250ml - 280ml every 2-3hrs intervals. 1-2 times porridge, snacking.
Mummy : Yes.... He is still eating non-stop even till now. Not a bad thing. =)

- Sing, talk, scream, shout
Mummy : You name it. He sings in his own language. He dance no matter what music/song he heard. (even malay songs) He screams at his top of his voice. He shouts as and when he likes. As my dad says he is the king of the house. And indeed the meaning of his name, Leroy, means the King.

- Walk like running.
Mummy : He walks very fast as if he is running. It is really very cute to see this lil guy walks... =)

- Learning to feed himself.
Mummy : Recently, whenever my mum feeds him porridge or noodle, he wants to have his own set of bowl and spoon. Wanting to self-feed. Well, that's not a bad thing afterall. Maybe not long, he will be able to eat by himself. =)

- Basic
Mummy : Now we are teaching him where he should throw litter, where to keep the toys etc. These are the very basic and he knows where to go when asked to throw litter. =)

- Imitates
Mummy : Just yesterday, my mum told me when he see my dad whistle, he will imitate him with a pouty lips. So cute ! I'm gonna see him doing tonight !!!

- Things he needs for his nap or bedtime
Mummy : Without fail when he takes afternoon nap or even during bedtime, he will ask for his pacifer and beansprout pillows (he has 2) "TuTu" and "TuoTuo"

- Throw everything except food !
Mummy : He throws practically everything except food. Maybe that's the reason why korkor keep his toys away from leroy?

- Total no of teeth
Mummy : Actually I had lost count. I think he should at least have 14 teeth now. With some just erupted....

- Weight
Mummy : Thie lil fella weighs around 10.5kg now....

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