July 04, 2010

Leroy is 14 months old !

Leroy is 14 months old today.!

Another month had passed and it's time to update his milestone!

- Drinking around 250ml - 280ml every 2-3hrs intervals. 1-2 times porridge, snacking.
Mummy : He is still eating non-stop from every time he open his eyes... Greedy baby. But still eat is better then not eating.

- Yakking non-stop in baby language.
Mummy : He can say a few words like 抱抱, 包包(bread), ball, ter(water), shi(匙子) etc... But he still talks in his funny and strange baby language which is rather cute too. =).

- Walks very steadily now.
Mummy : He has touched and walk all corners of the house. As what my mum says, he walks as if he is running ! Oh.. and one more thing.. He walks with arm swinging back and froth ! Yes.. Only his left hand.

- Very Yang Oh.
Mummy : Eg when he is playing and he accidentally hit his hand lightly, he will comes to us with a frowny sad face and pointing to his hand like it is very painful. He just wants us to sayang him.. hahaa

- Love to be out of house
Mummy : Whoever so step out of the house without him, he will cry immediately.. Even when we are changing, he already knows we are going out. So where we walk, he will follow. But.. when he is out of the house, he will go his way and ignore us even after he turn and saw that we are not following him!

- Imitates
Mummy : Recently my dad's leg is swollen and he cant walk well. This naughty boy imitates my dad's walking and following behind... My dad likes to talk and point here and there. Leroy saw and follow him. hahaha!

- He shares. =)
Mummy : I'm glad he does. Even to strangers. =) But it can be quite strange when he feed his mum bread and using his tongue to make sound like when he is calling pets over and giving treats...

- Throw everything except food !
Mummy : He throws practically everything except food. Maybe that's the reason why korko keep his toys away from leroy?

- Total of 10 !
Mummy : Central and Lateral Incisor both top and bottom. First molar both left and right.

MUST WATCH VIDEO !!! Leroy's own version of music dance!!
This lil cheeky naughty fella learned from korkor.

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