November 27, 2008

钱钱, Key Key, Bom Bom

Went to my mum's place to visit Lervin... And he had learned new words !

Below are few examples which i think It's cute. hehee.



My mum placed her coins and notes on a plastic bag which was on table. Lervin pull down the plastic and coins and notes scattered everywhere. He looked at my mum and say "钱钱" I was like Wow.! Lervin knows how to say it.! To toddler like him, its quite amazing.!

Key Key


I was at the living room watching tv when my dad is standing outside the gate. The moment Lervin saw my dad, he walked fast towards my dad and call "爷爷,爷爷" He stopped and pointed to hook which the keys which are placed and he said "Key key, Key key" He either wants to open the gate and let my dad in or to follow him out. hahaaa.. Nowadays whenever my dad is going out, he has to sneak out. Lol. If lervin sees him to out without him, he will cry for my dad. hehehe

Bom Bom


Everytime me or my mum remove lervin's clothes, he will say "bom bom" (bathing). If he's at my place, after removing his clothes, he will walk towards the bathroom saying "bom bom" and at the same time rubbing his tummy. hahaaahaa. I had uploaded a video previously with lervin walking happily to the bathroom. But that time, he still don't know how to say "Bom bom" I laugh everytime lervin did that.

The credit goes to my mum.... and sis too. Mostly my mum I say. As my sis are mostly not at home. I really never expect that my mum who only understand and speak simple English, always 'complains' that Lervin is making her very busy, can teach him so many words. And of cause her patience too. And I appreciate all this. Not every mum will have this kind of patience and the tenderly care & love she shows for her children/grandchild.... Lervin really learned to speak quite a number of words. Even his 5 features, feet, hands he knows where they are and he even says it out a few. I'm really very impress. Think I can save some money for sending him to childcare. hahahaa

Pointing to his nose when ask "Where is your nose?"

Pointing to the ceiling when being asked "Where is 壁虎?"

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