November 24, 2008

3 weeks after MMR / #2 update

Finally... exactly 3 weeks after MMR injection.

No side effects at all. Hurray.!


#2 had been really active in there. Feel the small little kicks inside for the past week. =) Hmmm... at least 10 kicks i receive everday. hahahaa.. I can feel the movement more clearly when I'm resting on bed & when im hungry. hahaaa.. And Hb had been really sweet for this pregnancy. Everytime before he goes to bed, be it I'm sleeping or I'm not, he will place his hand on my tummy and feel if bb is moving. Sometimes, he even talks to my tummy. hahaaa. For #1, he don't even do that. 偏心 right? hahaa. I think he regretted for not doing the same to #1. hehee

Your baby is now nearly 5.5 inches/ 13 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighs approximately 5 ounces/ 140 grams. Her skeleton is mostly rubbery cartilage, which will harden later. A protective substance called myelin slowly begins to wrap around the spinal cord.

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