November 03, 2009

Cow milk vs Goat milk

Heard from my colls that taking goat milk is good for children. 1 of my coll's daughter had the same problem as Leroy. Introduced by her sis, she gave her daughter goat milk instead of cow's milk and her condition improved.!

Actually I gave Lervin goat milk before when he is few months old. It is due to the eznema if I remember correctly... It's pretty serious during that period. Red patches on his face and body. I was very upset and helpless that time as we had brought him to see KKH specialist for the medication doesnt work on him. I've spent like $400+ that time. Lasted for few months and it comes on and off. Friends recommend a PD clinic located at Tiong Bahru Plaza (had moved) and I brought Lervin there the next day. The 1st visit the PD advise me to change the milk from current to goat milk and prescribed some cream. After the 2nd tin of goat milk, his condition improved.

Hopefully this works for Leroy as well.

What is the difference between goat and cow milk?
Among all the animal's milk suitable for consumption, only cow and goat milk are nutritionally close to human and have been shown to be an excellent source of nutrition.Goat milk is closer to human because the protein profile is more similiar. Goat milk protein forms smaller and finer curd and has more than double the typical amount of medium chain triglyceride (MCT) in cow milk. Goat milk protein is much easier to digest and absorb and hence children have less incidence of having indigestion or allergy.
Goat milk has also been shown to contain high concentration of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) that is very low in cow milk. EGF is a natural ingredient in human milk. It promotes gut and cell development and recovery.
An enzyme known as Platelet Activating Factor Acetyl Hydrolase, which can break down allergen, has also been isolated from goat milk during research.

What are the benefits of goat milk?
Goat milk has natural bioactive factors such as nucleotides, taurine and polyamine which help to build up the immune system. Absorption of calcium, iron, copper and zinc is higher in goat milk than cow milk. Goat milk is also good for lung, stomach and intestine. So there are fewer incidences of cough, phlegm and indigestion. Feedback from parents that their children's asthma improve after a few months of taking Karihome goat milk.

Who can benefit from goat milk?
It may benefit:
- People who want to have overall well being from goat milk nutrition.
- People with gastric problem, hypersensitive with eczema or asthma.
- Babies or children who develop winds or cramp with cow milk or soy milk products.
- Babies or children who are not growing well with cow milk or soy milk products.

What is the difference between formula goat milk and fresh goat milk?
Formula goat milk is specially formulated to suit the nutritional needs of children of different age group. Nutrients such as omega 3, 6 & taurine are added for the development of brain, nerves and eyes. Unlike whole goat milk which is low in certain nutrients such as iron and folic acid and hence not suitable for babies and young children. The protein level in whole goat milk is also too high for babies consumption.

Should I feed my chidren unmodified goat milk?
It is not recommended that children aged under 12 months be fed unmodified goat milk. Neither should they be fed unmodified cow milk. The composition of the milk is not suitable for infants, and the excessive load of some minerals may place undue stress on the infant's digestive system and kidneys. Also, unmodified goat milk is deficiet in folic acid and some vitamins. For this reason, DGC developed goat milk infant formula and follow-on formula, which are modified to meet the nutritional need of the infants.

Is goat milk suitable for people with lactose intolerance?
Often there is confusion about lactose intolerance and it can be incorrectly diagnosed. Sometimes, people who believe they are lactose intolerant find goat milk an agreeable product. All milk from mammalian species (cows, goats, sheep, humans) contains lactose, which is the major carbohydrate in the milk of most species. However, sometimes cow milk protein intolerance (CMPI) is misdiagnosed as lactose intolerance. In cases of CMPI, goat milk can be an effective alternative, especially for infants and children.

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