June 12, 2010

Out for shopping !

Went FEP to remove my lash extension. Put it on since March? I only remember I did 3times... and now it's time to remove and let it rest.
Finally I can rub my eye without worrying if my ext will drop. haha.
轻松多了! hahaa

The lady in black is me! Im removing the lash and Lervin and Hus are camwhoring.!

After that, we walked over to Taka and saw that there is Toy Fair! Lervin is excited and the parents too.! Of course the first thing to look for is the son's fav Thomas the train. =)

Hus wanted to buy him the Gordon train as this is what he promise Lervin. Last week, he brought home a toy train (Thomas friend) which belongs to his friend. We told him to return the toy to his friend the next day. He did not refuse when we asked him to. SO the next day when I fetch him, I asked his teacher if he did return the toy and yes he really did.! So to praise him, Hus promise to get him a train. Instead he gotten a bigger set. =)

The extended track with Thomas and additional accessory. =)
Happy boy. =)

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