December 13, 2009

Lervin's progress

I have so much to write about Lervin ! He is so sensible now and also speaking more clearly with longer words. Still, his fav word is 'No' & '不要‘ Eg, today I ask him does he wants milk? He says '不要不要‘ Double 'No' somemore..... Most of the time he understands what we are saying and also will reply us correctly.
- I will ask him where is didi. And he will said '弟弟 嬷嬷家‘ He knows and understand what is happening around him.
- He chooses his own clothes & shoes. If we ask him to wear what we had chosen, he will refuse to wear and I have to divert his attention to food before putting on for him.
- When I tell him mummy is not feeling well due to headache or runny nose, sometimes he will touch my forehead and say '烧‘ (which means fever) but actually I'm not. Hahaa.
- Whenever didi cough and Lervin is near didi, he will patpat didi's chest or back. =)
- He knows each of his group mates names. When I show him his concert's video and point to ask him who they are, he will say out their name correctly. (It's so cute to know those lil children knows each other's name. They are really amazing !)
- Loves bubble bath after my sis bought the bath foam. Never fails to ask for it when he is at my mum's place. (only my mum's place has it)
- Everytime i says Mummy loves him, he will reply, ' Mummy I love youuuuuu...' (he drag the you and with high pitch)
- Whenever I apply medicated cream on his open wound, he feels the pain and he will clench his fist, open his eyes big, with a 'O' shape lip. It's like an adult holding the stand. Although he knows it's painful, still he allows me to apply and holding to the pain.
- Whatever medicine we gave him, eg cough/runny nose/fever syrup, even chinese powder form medicine which taste bitter, he takes it like nothing. Even herbal tea, he drinks. Still smile and request for more !
- Picks up new words very fast. When I say something that he never heard before and after I explain or point to him, the next time, he says the same word.

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