October 08, 2009

Leroy's solid food / Lervin got bitten!

Hub went to fetch Lervin today before he came to my office to pick me up. The moment I get up the car, my hub told me Lervin got bitten by his groupmates.! Lervin was there listenng to us talking. After Hub finish his sentence, Lervin pointed to the bitten right arm and says, "咬". I know this thing does happen occasionally but still I feel heartpain. Hub told me the principal apologizes to my Hub and roughly explain the scenerio to him but the way Hub told me it's not so detail. I asked Hub what did he say. He just says "It's ok". I was like, "Huh? You didn't ask what exactly happen and how did the teacher handle this kinda situation and you say ok?" Although we didn't send Lervin to those high-end CC (which everyone thinks parent have every right to question and ask in details & of course teachers to be responsible whatever happen in the centre), but still we're paying them to look after him. We have the right to question and ask. Always I'm the one calling CC to ask how he Lervin doing. When picking him up, I will ask, "did he have his lunch? How much he eat", "did he nap? For how long?", "did he take his milk" so on so forth.... But it comes to Hub fetching him, he will just sign the book and bring him back. The first 2 times when he brought Lervin back home, I ask him how's Lerivn today? He will say, "I never ask. But should be ok." I explain to him why we must ask when we pick him up and he understand. So each time he fetch Lervin, he will ask few questions so that when I ask him 他可以"交待". Lol.!

Leroy had few spoonful of porridge yesterday. Mum cooked porridge with sweetcorn, brown rice, carrot and meat. See how he enjoy it!. =)

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