June 03, 2009

Trimming of hair

1 more day will be Leroy's full month. Chinese tradition is to shave off baby's hair. And also elderly says after shaving them bald, the new grown hair will be thick and black. I shave lervin blad. and his hair is not as thick as what i think it would be... They also believes that cutting abit of their eyelashes, they will have longer lashes. Not sure how true it is but for both leroy and leroy, i didn't trim their lashes at all and Lervin still has long and nice lashes. =) Still it's up to individual beliefs.

Baby's first hair cut

Tradition also dictates that you shave your baby's head, although most parents don't observe this practice anymore. Instead, they trim a little bit of hair off, to symbolise the shedding of the birth hair (hair from the womb). After the first hair cut, both the mother and the baby must bathe in water mixed with pomelo leaves, to wash off any unwanted and evil vibes. You are meant to wrap your baby's hair in a piece of red cloth and sew it to his pillow to help calm him down. Some parents who shave the baby's entire head will use the hair from this first hair cut to make a special calligraphy brush, engraved with wishes of wisdom, health and happiness.

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