April 18, 2009

At 38th Weeks

38th Week

Mummy weighing 59.80kg. Gained 2.3kg.
#2 weighing 2916g. Gained 229g.

What a whooping 2.3kg I've gained in just 2 weeks.! I made the nurse re-weigh me, rub my eyes, yes.! 2.3kg gained.! Never in my life I'll gained 2.3kg in 2 weeks. Even with Lervin. Lol.! Nurse said maybe it's the last growth spurt. Well, maybe it is. Every pregnancy is different..

While waiting, I asked Lervin want to take photos? He walked and leaned against the counter and I snapped.!

After 1hr wait, finally it's our turn... The moment we stepped into the room, Lervin will walked all the way to the sofa, grab a bear and hug it. He never fails to do it during each of my visits. thus always bring a smile to our faces including Dr Wong. =)

My 2.3kg caught Dr Wong's attention. 'Well, you've gained a little more then average. tt's gd.!' Good? It's scaring me.! I'm still trying to go natural...

Hopped onto the bed and did the scan... Leroy's head is heading further down. Still as active as before. Kicking and squirming around thru'out the scan. =D Heartbeat gng at 140, water still alot. Lastly did a VE again. Not dilated at all. Guess I'll have to continue the waiting game till he's ready to meet us. =)

Babies at week 39 weigh about 6.8 to 7 pounds/ 3 to 3.2 kilograms and continue to build the fat stores that will help regulate body temperature after birth. Your little one's organ systems are fully developed and in place, but the lungs will be last to reach maturity. (Even after your baby is born, it may take a few hours before she establishes a normal breathing pattern.)

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