September 28, 2010

Lervin's eye check and dinner at O.F.P

Don't know what's wrong with Lervin's left eye on the upper eye-lid. A little red bump on it. Been there for months and we thought it will recover by itself but instead, it grow slightly bigger and more obvious. We had asked western Dr said need to go through minor surgery to remove it. But Chinese physician and they said it is '针眼' and will recover by itself. Surgery is ok too but the 'root' is still there. It might grow back too. Hus brought Lervin for another consult and got a referral letter to KKH in Oct. At the same time, he is given antibiotics and cream to apply and hopefully this works on him....

After hus came and pick me up and we went Raffles Place for Dinner at

UOB cards have promo of 1 for 1 crepes !

Lervin took below photos. He wanted to take the fountain but isnt clear due to the spotlight facing us.

Wanted to take photo of him and he refuse......

Don't know what is this salad. Fruits and prawns salad? This is very nice ! Prawns are fresh and fruits are sweet ! $9.90 I think.

Mushroom soup with bread croutons. Nice ~ Texture just nice unlike Soup Spoon. Don't like their mushroom soup...

Hus's Beef with cheese crepes. Beef is very tender.

This lil guy disturbing when I'm trying to take photo.

Mine ! Baked Ham crepes. Mushroom, melted cheese are wrapped together. Yummy ~
Wanted to drink ice-water and I refused. So he went over to sit with Hus and ask again. Saying about Hus, he has change from a very bad-tempered father to a more understanding and gentle daddy. Although at times he is still flaring up when the kids don't listen, at least he don't lay his hands on them anymore. Now he is the one telling me don't beat them and always giving in. Fatherhood has indeed done a great part for his change and of course with me teaching + nagging! hehee. Now without me saying, he will automatically do the things he should be doing. I always tell my coll that I have 3 boys at home.... =D

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