October 17, 2014

Cheeky as always.

Purposely comb center-parting for them and asked them to pose for a photo and here's their pattern!
Leroy is super funny with his hands posing like this!

Oh! Randomly, I told Leroy I wanted to buy an Ipad and I wanted to test if he will buy for me. I guess all mums will at least do the same once right? Lol! So I ask if he can buy for me. He ran away.... I was like *heart = 'piang piang piang'* Ask him to buy things for me and he ran away! Later he walk towards me and pour his assets he has at mum's place on my hand and ask me to go and buy. Awwwwwwwww.... Major
When I thought the son ran away in order to reject his greedy mum's request, he actually came back with his money! If he is able to read this post, he must be thinking why didn't he offer to give me all his money everyday so he can get a few dollars each day! Lol! #justsaying

Here's a photo of my dearest boy offering his assets! Lol!

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