November 03, 2011

Activities in school ~

Deepavali celebration in school~

Peanut Butter Tortilla

All is he's favourite! Peanut butter, banana, chocolate !!!

Muddy hand cookies -

Chocolicious time !

Chocolates = kid's best friend

Feeling the heat of hot water.

Yum !!!

Let's bake !


I believe he will scoop alotsa butter!

I let him hands on when I'm baking at home. He likes it!

Chocolate cookies... His favourite!

Jiggly Jelly time !

Gooop-ing fun!

This little girl's expression is priceless !

I thought he won't want to touch it. He doesn't like slimy & sticky stuff. When he is younger he's very 洁癖. Now he still is not much better!. =)

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