August 04, 2009

leroy turned 3 months

Leroy turns 3 months today.!

Another month had passed. In another 3 weeks time, I'll be going back to work soon. Will definitely miss those time with my 2 babies. I'm very fortunate to have my mum helping me. If not, I wont know how to handle the 2 babies.!

- On BM & FM. Drinking around 150~160ml
Mummy : He is having 6-8 feeds per day. Bottle and latching. He still does wake up in the night. Luckily only once. Hah..~

- Loves songs and watching whatever Lervin does.
Mummy : I notice that once Leroy sees Lervin, his eyes will follow Lervin closely. His head moves with lervin. When Lervin talks to him, he respond with "coo" & "hum". Espically when lervin is dancing and shaking his butt away, Leroy jerks and laugh. Looks like he cant wait to join Korkor to dance. =)

-More responsive. Turn and look around when we call him.
Mummy : He knows where we are standing to call out to him. Immediately he will turn and look with us with a smile.

-Hold his head steady.
Mummy : Getting more steady. Able to turn his head without "nodding" Haaha!

-Talks and entertain himself.
Mummy : Sometimes when he sleeps in Yaolan and I'm still sleeping, I can hear him 'talking' and laughing. The moment I went over and look at him, he smile at me. How sweet it is... =)

-Sucks his fist and thumb
Mummy : He knows exactly how and where he put his thumb in his mouth. He will even use the other hand holding on to the thumb he put in his mouth. Even for pacifier. =)

- Weighing 7.5kg.
Mummy : Gained quite alot. And it's getting more tiring carrying him. He look so round. Haah.!


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