Back in action.!
Friday is always the day I am looking forward to...
The day I can bring Ds home, cuddle him, cook for him and out for shopping.!
DS is getting so much more active then before. And I can no longer carry DS with one hand... Even with 2 hands, will become numb after half hr of carrying..
This shows how well my mum has been taking care of lervin. No one in this world can replace the trust I have placed on my mum. Msn chat marmies should know what I mean har... haha
Went straight to my mum's place after work. Actually wanted to dine at Ikea restaurant. By the time we reach there, its ready 9.15pm. Not much food left. So we decided to go Hongkong Cafe at Achorpoint. Just a bridge away.
Photos taken while waiting for bus. DS is carrying a Hippo bag which was given by Nestle during the baby fair. I can imagine DS carrying a schoolbag going to school. hahaa..
DS still knows how to bite bit by bit, using his little finger to stuff in the bread that he bite.
Coming up next.... FOTO-U albums..
Stay tune..!
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